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Forest Playgroup: Spring Planting

When: Thursday, may 30 at 9:30 am

Where: local garden in bath

age group: designed for kids ages 2-5, siblings always welcome

Join the Kennebec Estuary Land Trust at LOCAL Garden in Bath to do some spring planting! We will begin with a story at the garden to learn about seeds in the springtime. Then we will get our hands dirty and plant some flowers or vegetables to be enjoyed by Bath residents in the coming months!

Accessibility notes: The garden is a fenced-in, accessible spot for all ages and abilities. This is a great forest playgroup for anyone who has trouble with narrow, winding trails - there is grass, picnic tables, and plenty of free space to explore.

To get to LOCAL Garden:

About Forest Playgroup:

Southern Midcoast Forest Playgroup is a collaboration between families with young children and the land trusts in southern midcoast. Every Thursday morning from 9:30 - 11:00 am, a different land trust hosts a hike, exploration, or activity for kids and parents interested in forest preschool-style learning. Always free, always open to the public! It's organized by parents who are passionate about these kinds of opportunities, as opposed to led by the land trusts. KELT ends up hosting about once a month (summer off because everyone's busy). Here's how they say it on their facebook group: 

The Forest Playgroup is a program that aims to provide a space for like-aged children to explore, learn and interact outside. Integrating principles from child-led educational models, our program has activities to support our children’s natural curiosity and developmental learning. With a holistic, family-focus, we are working to cultivate a positive, active and inspiring culture for parents and fill an important niche within our community.

The Southern Midcoast Branch is the 4th Forest Playgroup branch in Maine alone offering free weekly outdoor adventures every Thursday morning for young children and their families.