Helpful Birding Links
eBird is a great tool for recording your birding observations on KELT preserves, and anywhere in the world! All of KELT's preserves are "hotspots" on eBird and you can see what species have already been observed. The website has great tutorials to help you set up an account, navigate the website, and submit your bird lists.
All About Birds
The Cornell Lab of Ornithology's All About Birds website is your online gateway to bird identification and bird watching. With fantastic photos, maps, and recordings, you can return from a birding trip and explore those songs that you couldn't quite identify but know you've heard before!
merlin Bird id App
All About Birds' information can be at your fingertips with the Merlin Bird ID App for you smartphone or tablet. Check bird calls in the field, find photos of birds, or even upload a photo you took to confirm identification. The app's Bird ID Wizard walks you through a series of questions (including size, color, behavior) to help you identify birds in the field. Or just explore the incredible amount of information compiled through eBird and other sources.
Photo credit: Anna Christie-Carnicella
The Audubon Guide to Binoculars
Audubon's binocular reviews provide you with options in all price ranges and can offer you some great options for selecting binocs to get you outside and birding!
Forestry for Maine birds
KELT has partnered with Maine Audubon to monitor birds at KELT's Sewall Woods Preserve in Bath following the spring 2017 demonstration timber harvest. This harvest implemented a variety of sustainable forestry techniques that are supported by the Forestry for Maine Birds Program, including patch cuts, selective thinning, and no-cut zones. Sewall Woods also has vernal pools and abundant snags throughout. There are 8 hotspots marked on eBird at Sewall Woods and signs throughout guiding birders to each station. Check back for the specific protocol to monitor birds post-harvest at this preserve. Click below to learn more about the Forestry for Maine Birds Program.
Project feeder watch
Learn about a citizen science opportunity that you can do from your living room or kitchen window!