Land Trust Alliance Training Resources

Board Member Training Agenda KELT Form 219

4. Land Trust Alliance Training Resources

a. Financial Management

b. Land Trust Boards; Preparing for Perpetuity


The above two courses are available on the LTA Learning Center.   If you are not already a member of LTA you will need to create an account:

Create an Account

Make sure you list “Kennebec Estuary Land Trust” as your organization for your account. (In the Organization section, click on the “Find my Organization” button to find KELT.)

Once an account is created, the link to the Learning Center where these on-line courses can be ordered is:


In the Browse Library box, enter:

Learning Practice Element 3A2c; “Reviewing Financial Reports”


Learning Practice Element 3A2b; “Ensuring Sufficient Financial Resources”


Take course – learn a lot!