Join us in welcoming KELT's Summer Stewards, Thomas and Elsa!

We are proud to continue offering internship opportunities for local students returning home this summer. Please join us in wishing a warm welcome to our new KELT Summer Program Steward, Elsa Bertlesman, and returning KELT Summer Steward, Thomas Trundy!
We couldn’t be more excited to get to work this summer.


Elsa Bertlesman

Elsa is a rising sophomore studying psychology at Dickinson College in Pennsylvania. She has lived in Bath her whole life and is excited to be joining the KELT team as the Summer Programs Steward, becoming more involved in the conservation of the place she calls home. Elsa will be primarily focusing on assisting to providing active, outdoor educational opportunities for families this summer, along with anything and everything else she may be needed for!


Thomas Trundy

Having completed his first year at Bowdoin College, Thomas Trundy has returned to work with KELT for the summer. At Bowdoin, he plans to explore biochemistry and anthropology further to prepare himself for a career in science or medicine. He was born and raised in Bath and is excited to resume his work from last summer, building and maintaining trails and infrastructure on preserves as KELT’s Summer Land Steward. His role this summer will also come to include invasive management and easement monitoring. Some exciting projects in his focus will be the construction of new trails at the Bonyun Preserve on Westport Island and the Lilly Pond Expansion in Bath.

KELT Volunteer