How will sea level rise impact our region? What impacts is it already having? And most importantly, what can be done?
WHEN: Thursday, March 3rd at 6:00 PM.
WHERE: Zoom. A link will be sent following registration below.
KELT is delighted to host Susie Arnold, Ph.D, Marine Scientist at the Island Institute, for a lecture on sea level rise and its current and projected impacts on our region. Learn more about the science as well as what's being done at the community level across Maine to mitigate these impacts.
Dr. Arnold participates in the Maine Climate Council, which has determined that sea level rise could impact 20,000 jobs, cause $17.5 billion in coastal infrastructure damage, and increase flooding events ten-fold by 2050. How can we keep pace with sea level rise? How can we upgrade infrastructure and utilize nature-based solutions to reduce its impacts? How can individuals take action to preserve Maine’s ocean and coast? Answer these questions and more!
Susie Arnold (PC: The Island Institute)
As Marine Scientist at the Island Institute, Susie works on the impacts of climate change and ocean acidification on marine resources and fisheries-dependent communities.
Her current areas of focus include working with fishermen to diversify their businesses to include shellfish and seaweed aquaculture, researching the environmental benefits of farming edible seaweed, and helping coastal communities better understand the implications of sea level rise so they can make informed adaptation decisions.
Susie earned a masters degree in Marine Policy and a doctoral degree in Marine Biology from the University of Maine.
Eager to get exploring? Check out these articles featuring Susie and her work!