Event Postponed!
Managing Woodlands “with Birds in Mind”
When: This event is postponed.
Where: Sewall Woods Preserve in Bath
Register now at maineaudubon.org/ffmb.
The Forestry for Maine Birds (FFMB) approach integrates bird conservation into forest management and planning. This particular FFMB event is planned specifically for land trusts.
You will learn about:
Improving habitat for priority forest birds and a variety of other wildlife species
Incorporating bird-friendly pactices into preserve management
Addressing wildlife conservation in multiple areas
Enhancing the value and enjoyment of Maine forest preserves for many generations to come.
For more information contact ffmb@maineaudubon.org.
Directions: Take High Street North out of Bath. Turn left onto Whiskeag Rd. Enter through gateposts on right for parking.
Note: Please bring a picnic dinner if you like, sturdy walking shoes, snacks, and drinking water.
As always, you should dress for the weather.
This workshop is brought to you through a partnership between Maine Audubon, Maine Coast Heritage Trust, and Kennebec Estuary Land Trust.