We'll be doing invasive plant removal in a lovely area along Squam Creek and we would love your help!
PC: Archie Bonyun
When: Saturday, January 22nd from 9:30AM-12:30PM
Where: Carl & Barbara Segerstrom Preserve at Squam Creek, Westport Island, ME 04578
We'll be doing invasive plant removal in a lovely area along Squam Creek and we would love your help! More details to follow.
The workday will be led by KELT’s Land & Stewardship Coordinator, Tenley Wurglitz. It will be capped at 15 participants and registration is required.
To sign up, please use the form below or call 207-442-8400.
*Rain or snow make up date: 1/23/2021 9:30AM-12:30PM.