Maine is home to the greatest abundance of native wild Brook Trout in the United States!
Learn about these colorful fish that support food, recreation, and healthy stream ecosystems in our state
Credit: MDIFW
WHEN: Thursday, February 23rd at 6:00 PM.
WHERE: Zoom. A link will be sent following registration below.
Co-sponsored by KELT and the Merrymeeting Bay chapter of Trout Unlimited
Join Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife’s Native Fish Conservation Biologist, Merry Gallagher, to learn about the life cycle and habits of brook trout. These special fish are the only native trout species that inhabit the cold, clear streams of much of the eastern United States, and they are prized by anglers. The presentation will introduce us to brook trout’s life cycle, differences between coastal and inland populations, population changes over time, population threats, and monitoring that the state and volunteers have been carrying out to better understand and support these fish.
Maine is the only state with extensive intact populations of wild, self-reproducing brook trout in lakes and ponds and is also the last true stronghold for stream dwelling populations of wild brook trout. Unable to thrive in poor water quality or degraded habitats, wild Brook Trout are excellent indicators of clean water and healthy aquatic systems.
Merry Gallagher has been central to Maine’s brook trout conservation efforts for many years.
(Thanks to the Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture for some of the fish facts in the paragraphs above!)
Credit: MDIFW
Eager to get exploring? Check out these resources about Brook Trout in Maine!